Friday, April 15, 2011

Romeo and Juliet Essay

               Some people say that students should not be wasting their time making a film version of the play, Romeo and Juliet. There is value in doing projects instead of taking tests. This project was done with different classes and a different state, and that’s what being collaborative is all about. It also taught the students responsibility because they had strict deadlines they needed to meet. It gave the students experience using blogs, social media, Wiki, and Skype. This is the most memorable project to ever hit the Grosse Pointe South auditorium. Although some people feel that there is no value in working on a project and not taking tests, many feel that there is more value working on projects outside of the classroom.
                Being responsible is a very big job for doing the project. The writers must have a script written. The actors must have the script because they need to memorize the lines before filming. The print advertising group needed to make posters so people would know when the show is showing. The students made most of the decisions which was a major responsibility. Although everybody had responsibilities, students also learned how to use a lot of different technology tools.
                Students had a lot of new experiences using technology tools. Technology is very important to our society because technology is growing every day. In the future students can use technology at the work place. Many companies need to communicate with people overseas and being knowledgeable with Skype and social media will be very useful. Facebook or other social media are important to keep in touch with friends and family. Getting experience using a blog is also a great thing to know how to use. Although technology tools are an important learning tool, this was a very memorable experience for all students.
                This movie will be memorable because the students made the film with another class and kids from Iowa. The students will always remember it as a positive experience.  It was a lot of fun making those banners, posters, even signs. Everybody will remember when one of the cast members broke his arm, and that cast member was the one that played Friar Lawrence. A lot of the students became better friends because they worked so close together for many hours. It will be memorable because there was a collaborative wrap party on the last day. Although this was a very memorable experience, it had a lot of value in the classroom.
                There was a lot of value in the classroom because it taught students how to work together. Not only were students working with students in our own school, we were working with students from Iowa. The students understand it better when they were acting it out instead of just reading it. When listening to a play with old English, it can be very hard to pay attention. This play got everybody involved and the students had to work together to make it successful. The students had to communicate with each other to make sure things stayed according to schedule.
                Some people feel that there is no value in students working on group projects, but this is not true. They get value in the classroom with hands-on experience. The students also learn about responsibility because they have deadlines to meet. Technology tools are also a valuable resource that is learned. The best part about making the movie in class is that there are so many memories.  Although some people feel that there is no value in working on a project, many feel that there is more value working on projects outside of the classroom.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Last Blog

We're done filming our version of Romeo and Juliet, and I'm still filming the Madagascar version. Both movies will premiere in April 30th. I enjoyed making the banners, posters, even the signs because it was so much fun. I learned a lot about the movie but what I will mainly focus on for my Madagascar version is Romeo and Juliet Sealed with a Kiss.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Romeo and Juliet: Week 4

Well, there's the new poster for this week. By the way, we're still filming the movie. I hope you're happy with the new poster.